Liquides Imaginaires

Liquides Imaginaires is a visionary fragrance brand that blends art, alchemy, and storytelling to create unique olfactory experiences. Founded in 2012 by Philippe Di Méo, David Frossard, and artist Stéphanie Poulage, the brand draws inspiration from mythical and imaginary themes, transforming them into evocative scents.

Liquides Imaginaires weaves elements of alchemy and storytelling into the fabric of its fragrances. Each scent is designed not only to evoke pleasant aromas but also to tell a captivating story, often drawing inspiration from mythical or fantastical themes. The brand pushes the boundaries of fragrance creation by exploring innovative and avant-garde concepts. From unique scent compositions to the artistic presentation of their bottles and packaging, Liquides Imaginaires seeks to offer a sensory experience that goes beyond the ordinary.

Liquides Imaginaires collaborates with skilled perfumers to bring their creative visions to life. These perfumers contribute their expertise to the development of complex and nuanced fragrances that align with the brand's artistic goals.

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